1   import java.awt.*;
2   import javax.swing.*;
3   import java.applet.*;
4   import java.awt.image.*;
5   import java.awt.geom.*;
6   import java.net.*;
7   import java.util.*;
8   /**
9    * Class to define a Monster and its attributes.
10   * 
11   * @see FireMon
12   * @see EarthMon
13   * @see WaterMon
14   * @see GasMon
15   * @see ElectricMon
16   */
17  public abstract class Monster extends MapObject
18  {
19      // The Kinds of Monsters
20      /**
21       * Electric kind
22       */
23      public static final int ELECTRIC = 0;
24      /**
25       * Earth kind
26       */
27      public static final int EARTH = 1;
28      /**
29       * Fire kind
30       */
31      public static final int FIRE = 2;
32      /**
33       * Water kind
34       */
35      public static final int WATER = 3;
36      /**
37       * Gas kind
38       */
39      public static final int GAS = 4;
41      /**
42       * The Maximum level allowed for Monsters to have
43       */
44      public static final int MAXLEVEL = 100;
45      /**
46       * The Maximum number of attack to have
47       */
48      public static final int MAXATTACKS = 4;
50      /**
51       * The HP Of this
52       */
53      protected int hp; // Hit Points (life left)
54      /**
55       * The Defense Of this
56       */
57      protected int defp; //Defense Points
58      /**
59       * The Attack Of this
60       */
61      protected int attp; // Attack Points
62      /**
63       * The Experience Of this
64       */
65      protected int exp; // Experience Points
66      /**
67       * The Maximum HP Of this, ie full health
68       */
69      protected int maxHP; // Max HP for level at
70      /**
71       * The Maximum Defense Of this at this level
72       */
73      protected int maxDef; // Max def for level at
74      /**
75       * The Maximum Attack Of this at this level
76       */
77      protected int maxAtt; // Max att for level at
78      /**
79       * The Maximum Experience before a level up
80       */
81      protected int maxExp; // Max exp before Level up
82      /**
83       * The level of this
84       */
85      protected int level; // Level
86      /**
87       * The Maximum level before learning a new attack
88       */
89      protected int maxLevel; // Max level before learn new Attack
90      /**
91       * The kind of Monster this is
92       */
93      protected int kind; // Kind of Monster
94      /**
95       * The attacks this knows
96       */
97      protected Vector attacks; // Attacks I know
98      /**
99       * The name of this
100      */
101     protected String name;
102     /**
103      * tru iff battling
104      */
105     protected boolean battle;
106     /**
107      * The MapObjct to display Over
108      */
109     static MapObject mp;
111     /**
112      * Learn the attack specifid by attack
113      * 
114      * @param attack The Attack to learn
115      */
116     public abstract void addAttack(String attack);
117     /**
118      * Gets the name of the first Attack
119      * 
120      * @return the name of the first Attack
121      */
122     public abstract String getA1();
123     /**
124      * Gets the name of the second Attack
125      * 
126      * @return the name of the second Attack
127      */
128     public abstract String getA2();
129     /**
130      * Gets the name of the third Attack
131      * 
132      * @return the name of the third Attack
133      */
134     public abstract String getA3();
135     /**
136      * Gets the name of the fourth Attack
137      * 
138      * @return the name of the fourth Attack
139      */
140     public abstract String getA4();
141     /**
142      * Gets the name of the fifth Attack
143      * 
144      * @return the name of the fifth Attack
145      */
146     public abstract String getA5();
147     /**
148      * Gets the name of the sixth Attack
149      * 
150      * @return the name of the sixth Attack
151      */
152     public abstract String getA6();
153     /**
154      * Substitute one Attack for another.
155      * 
156      * @param removed the Attack to remove
157      * @param added the Attack to add
158      */
159     public abstract boolean substituteAttack(Attack removed, Attack added);
160     /**
161      * Sets the hp
162      * 
163      * @param the new HP of this
164      */
165     public void setHP(int nhp)
166     {
167         if(nhp < 0)
168             hp = 0;
169         else if(nhp <= maxHP)
170             hp = nhp;
171         else
172             hp = maxHP;
173     }
174     /**
175      * Gets the HP of this
176      * 
177      * @return the HP of this
178      */
179     public int getHP() { return hp; }
180     /**
181      * Sets the maximum hp
182      * 
183      * @param the new maximum HP of this
184      */
185     protected void setMaxHP(int nmhp)
186     {
187         if(nmhp > maxHP && level <= MAXLEVEL)
188             maxHP = nmhp;
189     }
190     /**
191      * Gets the maximum hp
192      * 
193      * @return the new maximum HP of this
194      */
195     public int getMaxHP() { return maxHP; }
196     /**
197      * Sets the defense of this
198      * 
199      * @param ndp the new defense of this
200      */
201     public void setDefense(int ndp)
202     {
203         if(ndp <= 0)
204             return;
205         if(ndp <= maxDef)
206             defp = ndp;
207         else
208             defp = maxDef;
209     }
210     /**
211      * Gers the defense of this
212      * 
213      * @return the defense of this
214      */
215     public int getDefense() { return defp; }
216     /**
217      * Sets the Maximum defense of this
218      * 
219      * @param nmdp the new Maximum Defense of this
220      */
221     protected void setMaxDefense(int nmdp)
222     {
223         if(nmdp > maxDef && level <= MAXLEVEL)
224             maxDef = nmdp;
225     }
226     /**
227      * Gets the Maximum Defense
228      * 
229      * @return the Maximum defense of this
230      */
231     public int getMaxDefense() { return maxDef; }
232     /**
233      * Sets the Attack points of this
234      * 
235      * @param nap the new Attack Points
236      */
237     public void setAttack(int nap)
238     {
239         if(nap <= 0)
240             return;
241         if(nap <= maxAtt)
242             attp = nap;
243         else
244             attp = maxAtt;
245     }
246     /**
247      * Gets the Attack Points of this.
248      * 
249      * @return the Attack Points of this
250      */
251     public int getAttack() { return attp; }
252     /**
253      * Sets the Maximum Attack Points of this
254      * 
255      * @param nmap the new Maximum Attack Points of this
256      */
257     protected void setMaxAttack(int nmap)
258     {
259         if(nmap > maxAtt && level <= MAXLEVEL)
260             maxAtt = nmap;
261     }
262     /**
263      * Gets the Maximum Attack Points of this
264      * 
265      * @return the Maximum Attack Points of this
266      */
267     public int getMaxAttack() { return maxAtt; }
268     /**
269      * Sets the Experience Pints and levels up if needed.
270      * 
271      * @param nep the new Experience Points of this
272      * @return true iff leveled up
273      */
274     protected boolean setExperience(int nep) throws AttacksFullException
275     {
276         if(nep > exp && nep <= maxExp)
277         {
278             exp = nep;
279             return false;
280         }
281         else if(nep > maxExp && level <= MAXLEVEL)
282         {
283             levelUp();
284             return true;
285         }
286         return false;
287     }
288     /**
289      * Gets the Experience of this
290      * 
291      * @return the Experience of this
292      */
293     public int getExperience() { return exp; }
295     /**
296      * Sets the maximum Experience of this, the amount required before a level up
297      * 
298      * @param nmep the New Maximum Experience Ponts
299      */
300     protected void setMaxExperience(int nmep)
301     {
302         if(nmep > maxExp && level <= MAXLEVEL)
303             maxExp = nmep;
304     }
305     /**
306      * Gets the Maximum Experience Pointsup
307      * 
308      * @return the Maximum Experience Points, the amount required before a level up
309      */
310     public int getMaxExperience() { return maxExp; }
311     /**
312      * Gets the level of this
313      * 
314      * @return the level of this
315      */
316     public int getLevel() { return level; }
317     /**
318      * Gets the Kind of this
319      * 
320      * @return the kind of this
321      */
322     public int getKind() { return kind; }
323     /**
324      * Sets the level of this.
325      * 
326      * @param level the level to mak this
327      */
328     public void setLevel(int level) // Only used by MapLoader
329     {
330         if(level <= MAXLEVEL)
331             this.level = level;
332     }
333     /**
334      * Gets the Max level
335      * 
336      * @return the max level before a new attack is learned
337      */
338     public int getMaxLevel() { return maxLevel; }
339     /**
340      * Gets the number of attacks this knows.
341      */
342     public int getNumberOfAttacks() { return attacks.size(); }
343     /**
344      * Preforms a level up increasing attack, defense, and hp.
345      * 
346      * @exception AttacksFullException iff this has more than Monster.MAXATTACKS
347      */
348     protected void levelUp() throws AttacksFullException
349     {
350         if((level == MAXLEVEL))
351             return;
352         level++;
354         int maxh = 0, maxa = 0, maxd = 0;
356         setMaxExperience(10*level);
358         switch(getKind())
359         {
360             case ELECTRIC:
361             {
362                 maxa = maxAtt + 10;
363                 maxd = maxDef + 7;
364                 maxh = maxHP + 6;
365                 break;
366             }
367             case EARTH:
368             {
369                 maxa = maxAtt + 7;
370                 maxd = maxDef + 6;
371                 maxh = maxHP + 10;
372                 break;
373             }
374             case FIRE:
375             {
376                 maxa = maxAtt + 6;
377                 maxd = maxDef + 7;
378                 maxh = maxHP + 10;
379                 break;
380             }
381             case WATER:
382             {
383                 maxa = maxAtt + 7;
384                 maxd = maxDef + 10;
385                 maxh = maxHP + 6;
386                 break;
387             }
388             case GAS:
389             {
390                 maxa = maxAtt + 6;
391                 maxd = maxDef + 10;
392                 maxh = maxHP + 7;
393                 break;
394             }
395         }
396         setMaxAttack(maxa);
397         setMaxDefense(maxd);
398         setMaxHP(maxh);
399         setMaxExperience(maxExp+10);
401         // Make sure any amount missing is missing after level up
402         setAttack((attp - maxAtt) + maxa);
403         setDefense((defp - maxDef) + maxd);
404         setHP((hp - maxHP) + maxh);
405     }
407     /**
408      * Finish the fight with the opposing Monster, ie give this the requisite experience
409      * 
410      * @param m the Opposing Monster
411      * @exception AttacksFullException iff this has more than Monster.MAXATTACKS, and is leveling up
412      */
413     public boolean finishFight(Monster m) throws AttacksFullException
414     {
415         int nmep = (2 * m.getLevel()) - this.level;
416         boolean b = false;
417         if(level < 10)
418         {
419             if(nmep > 0)
420             {
421                 if(setExperience(exp+nmep))
422                     b = true;
423             }
424             else
425             {
426                 if(setExperience(exp + 2))
427                     b = true;
428             }
429         }
430         else if(level < 50)
431         {
432             if(nmep > 15)
433             {
434                 if(setExperience(exp+nmep))
435                     b = true;
436             }
437             else
438             {
439                 if(setExperience(exp + 15))
440                     b = true;
441             }
442         }
443         else
444         {
445             if(nmep > 40)
446             {
447                 if(setExperience(exp+nmep))
448                     b = true;
449             }
450             else
451             {
452                 if(setExperience(exp + 40))
453                     b = true;
454             }
455         }
456         return b;
457     }
458     /**
459      * Sets the name of this Monster
460      * 
461      * @param name The Name of this
462      */
463     public void setName(String name)
464     {
465         if(name != null)
466             this.name = name;
467     }
468     /**
469      * Gets the name of this.
470      * 
471      * @return the name of this
472      */
473     public String getName() { return name; }
474     /**
475      * Gets the array of attacks available to this, adds null if less then Monster.MAXATTACKS
476      * 
477      * @return the array of attacks available to this, adds null if less then Monster.MAXATTACKS
478      */
479     public String[] getAttacks()
480     {
481         String[] s = new String[MAXATTACKS];
482         for(int i = 0; i < attacks.size(); i++)
483         {
484             s[i] = ((Attack)attacks.get(i)).getName();
485         }
486         return s;
487     }
488     /**
489      * Gets the Attack known at the specified position
490      * 
491      * @param pos the index of the Attack to return
492      * @return the Attack at the specified position 
493      */
494     public Attack getAttack(int pos)
495     {
496         if(pos >= 0 && pos < attacks.size())
497         {
498             return (Attack)attacks.get(pos);
499         }
500         return null;
501     }
502     /**
503      * Tests for equality
504      * 
505      * @param o the Object to compare to 
506      * @return true iff equivalant
507      */
508     public boolean equals(Object o)
509     {
510         if(o instanceof Monster)
511             return equals((Monster)o);
512         return false;
513     }
514     /**
515      * Tests for equality, ie if all the parameters are the same
516      * 
517      * @param m the Monster to compare to 
518      * @return true iff equivalant
519      */
520     public boolean equals(Monster m)
521     {
522         if(m.getName().equals(name) && m.getHP() == hp && m.getDefense() == defp && m.getAttack() == attp && m.getExperience() == exp && m.getLevel() == level
523             && m.getKind() == kind && m.getMaxHP() == maxHP && m.getMaxDefense() == maxDef && m.getMaxAttack() == maxAtt && m.getMaxExperience() == maxExp
524             && m.getMaxLevel() == maxLevel)
525             return true;
526         return false;
527     }
528     /**
529      * Returns true iff battling
530      * 
531      * @return true iff battling
532      */
533     public boolean isBattling() { return battle; }
534     /**
535      * Starts a fight
536      */
537     public void startBattle() { battle = true; }
538     /**
539      * Stop a fight
540      */
541     public void stopBattle() { battle = false; }
542     /**
543      * Sets the MapObject to paint where this is.
544      * 
545      * @param m the MapObject to paint where this is
546      */
547     public void setBehind(MapObject m)
548     {
549         if(m == null)
550             return;
551         else if(m.canBeEntered())
552             this.mp = m;
553     }
554     /**
555      * Draws this for the Grid.
556      * 
557      * @param g the Graphics.
558      */
559     public void paint(Graphics g)
560     {
561         if(mp != null)
562             mp.paint(g);
563     }
564 }