CS 6501: Text Mining Spring 2019 · CS@UVa

Paper Presentation

The purpose of this paper presentation component is to help students to practice giving talks in front of public at research conferences or other situations, and prepare for the course projects.

After each lecture, there will be three to ten recommended readings. The presentation will be given in teams. Every team is asked to select one paper from the list, and prepare a 12-minutes presentation for the class, with additional 2 minutes for Q&A. You can also select a paper from the most recent publications in the area of text mining, but need the instructor's approval on the selected paper. One paper can only be presented by one group. Students are required to prepare the slides by themselves (the original authors' slides are not allowed to be used for this presentation). Please send the instructor an email about the title of your chosen paper and preferred presentation date before the presentation sign-up deadline.

It is preferred that the students could present the paper on the day when the topic is covered in the lecture, such that the audiences can get different flavors of the topic. The student presentation will be placed at the end of the class (unless the student requires to present at the beginning of the class).

Giving an impressive presentation is an art. Some helpful tips can be found in the resource page.

Both the instructor and other students will grade the presentation (no self-grading). The detailed grading criteria are described in our course syllabus.

Paper presentation sign up is due in the end of 4th week of the semester. The paper presentation will start on the 6th week.

Peer-evaluation website

Please use this page for peer evaluation.

Paper Presentation Schedule

NameDatePaper Title
Chuanhao Li, RongRong Liu, Ruizhong Miao, Mengyu GongMarch 19Collaborative Knowledge Base Embedding for Recommender Systems
Arjun Malhotra, Akanksha NichrelayMarch 21Short Text Similarity with Word Embeddings
Yichen Jiang, Wen Ding, Shenghao Ye, Xiang GuoMarch 26Analyzing and Predicting Emoji Usages in Social Media
Jinyu Chen, Runnan Yang, Xiaoxi Lin, Jie YangMarch 28Matrix Factorization Techniques For Recommender Systems
Hao Gu, Jiayang Liu, Xinzuo WangMarch 28Recommender systems with social regularization
Eamon Collins, Andrea Zhang, Monique MezherApril 2Document Similarity for Texts of Varying Lengths via Hidden Topics
Rachel Wicks, Hunter Murphy, Tyler Handley, Sile ShuApril 4Unsupervised word sense disambiguation rivaling supervised methods
Aobo Yang, Kechen Liu, Zixi Qi, Yingqiao XiongApril 9Fast Abstractive Summarization with Reinforce-Selected Sentence Rewriting
Runze Yan, Yumeng Jiang, Zheng Chen, Yingying ChenApril 11BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
Danial Hussain, Jihyeong Lee, Quinn Dawkins, Austin ChenApril 16GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation
Teng Li, Wen YingApril 16Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality
Yu Du, Haochuan ZhangApril 18Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms
Guangxu Xun, Mengdi Huai, Jianhui Sun, Kishlay JhaApril 23Dynamic Word Embeddings for Evolving Semantic Discovery
Abraham Gebru Tesfay, Anna BaglioneApril 25Context-aware Academic Collaborator Recommendation
Xinyu Yang, Wanyu DuApril 25Multi-document summarization by graph search and matching