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Table of Contents

  1. Where will it work?
  2. How to run it?
  3. What are the new stats printed with HotLeakage?
  4. How should I use the statistics provided?
  5. How do I model  a different  structure of the processor ( for e.g. an ALU)?
  6. Can I use this model in a different simulator ( not SimpleScalar based ) ?


Where will it work?

HotLeakage should compile on any system that SimpleScalar compiles on. Testing/development was primarily done with the ALPHA version. PLEASE NOTE that it has not been tested with PISA other than to make sure it compiles. We already know of one change that should be made when using PISA:
Comment out the line in main.c: "sim_num_insn -= 2000000000;"
and uncomment the line "//sim_num_insn -= fastfwd_count;"

It should be straightforward to modify HotLeakage into a completely modular form such that any simulator
infrastructure can use it.

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How to run it?

Running HotLeakage should be just like running sim-outorder.  Provide it
with your processor configuration parameters, input binary, and input
data set. 

There are lots of separate processor configuration parameters for
leakage modeling. ( They are in the sim_reg_leak_options  in leakinit.c

Most of them are to do with the parameters like supply Voltage, threshold
Voltages, temperature, aspect ratio of the structure concerned.
For e.g.
-technology          TECH_070 # technology length i.e., {TECH_180,
TECH_130, ,TECH_070, |none}
-ireg:read_ports       8.0000 # ireg file read  ports
-ireg:write_ports       4.0000 # ireg file write  ports
-ireg:temp           383.0000 # ireg file temperature in Kelvin
-il1:ports             2.0000 # l1 instruction cache  ports
-il2:ports             2.0000 # l2 instruction cache  ports
-dl1:ports             2.0000 # l1 data cache  ports
-dl2:ports             2.0000 # l2 data cache  ports
-il1:temp            383.0000 # l1 instruction cache temperature in Kelvin
-il2:temp            383.0000 # l2 instruction cache temperature in Kelvin
-dl1:temp            383.0000 # l1 data cache temperature in Kelvin
-dl2:temp            383.0000 # l2 data cache temperature in Kelvin
-tox:var               0.0400 # Tox Std Variation
-vdd:var               0.0330 # Vdd Std Variation
-length:var            0.1330 # Tech Length Std Variation
-threshold_n:var       0.0380 # Threshold Nmos Variation
-threshold_p:var       0.0380 # Threshold Pmos Variation
-samples:boxm           10000 # samples for box-mueller method
-tox                   0.0000 # Tox
-ireg:voltage          0.9000 # ireg file supply voltage
-ireg:threshold_Cell_N       0.1902 # ireg file threshold voltage N-Type Cell
-ireg:threshold_Cell_P       0.2130 # ireg file threshold voltage P-Type Cell
-ireg:threshold_Access_N       0.1902 # ireg file threshold voltage N-Type
-il1:voltage           0.9000 # l1 instruction cache supply voltage
-il2:voltage           0.9000 # l2 instruction cache supply voltage
-dl1:voltage           0.9000 # l1 data cache supply voltage
-dl2:voltage           0.9000 # l2 data cache supply voltage
-il1:threshold_Cell_N       0.1902 # l1 instruction cache threshold voltage
N-Type Cell
-il1:threshold_Cell_P       0.2130 # l1 instruction cache threshold voltage
P-Type Cell
-il1:threshold_Access_N       0.1902 # l1 instruction cache threshold voltage N-Type Bitline
-il2:threshold_Cell_N       0.1902 # l2 instruction cache threshold voltage
N-Type Cell
-il2:threshold_Cell_P       0.2130 # l2 instruction cache threshold voltage
P-Type Cell
-il2:threshold_Access_N       0.1902 # l2 instruction cache threshold voltage N-Type Bitline
-il1:threshold_P       0.2130 # l1 instruction cache threshold voltage P-Type
-il2:threshold_P       0.2130 # l2 instruction cache threshold voltage P-Type
-dl1:threshold_Cell_N       0.1902 # l1 data cache threshold voltage N-Type
-dl1:threshold_Cell_P       0.2130 # l1 data cache threshold voltage P-Type
-dl1:threshold_Access_N       0.1902 # l1 data cache threshold voltage N-Type Bitline
-dl2:threshold_P       0.2130 # l2 data cache threshold voltage p-Type
-dl1:threshold_P       0.2130 # l1 data cache threshold voltage P-Type
-dl2:threshold_Cell_N       0.1902 # l2 data cache threshold voltage N-Type
-dl2:threshold_Cell_P       0.2130 # l2 data cache threshold voltage P-Type
-dl2:threshold_Access_N       0.1902 # l2 data cache threshold voltage N-Type Bitline
-RAM:aspect_ratio_access_ram_cell_N       2.7429 # aspect ratio of  RAM access cell N-Type
-RAM:aspect_ratio_ram_cell_l2_N       4.5714 # aspect ratio of  RAM cell
-RAM:aspect_ratio_ram_cell_l3_P       2.4000 # aspect ratio of  RAM cell
-IREG:aspect_ratio_access_ireg_cell_N       2.7429 # aspect ratio of  ireg
access cell N-Type
-RAM:aspect_ratio_ireg_cell_l2_N       4.5714 # aspect ratio of  ireg cell
-RAM:aspect_ratio_ireg_cell_l3_P       2.4000 # aspect ratio of  ireg cell
-INVERTER:aspect_ratio_decoder_inverter_P      11.4286 # aspect ratio of
decoder inverter cell P-Type
-INVERTER:aspect_ratio_decoder_inverter_N       5.7143 # aspect ratio of
decoder inverter cell N-Type
-INVERTER:aspect_ratio_comparator_inverter1_N       6.8571 # aspect ratio of
comparator inverter1 cell N-Type
-INVERTER:aspect_ratio_comparator_inverter1_P      11.4286 # aspect ratio of
comparator inverter1 cell P-Type

If the user wants to model a cache with a different kind of cell  or a
different technology he or she might need to change the above values.
Some of the configuration parameters are concerned with the leakage
saving techniques implemented in this tool for caches.
For e.g
-global:counter           256 # global counter limit
-local:counter              3 # local counter limit
-sample:interval          200 # sample interval
-cache_leak_ctrl:type     gatedVss # leakage control type
-cache_leak_ctrl:switch_cycles_l2h            3 # time for low to
high switch
-cache_leak_ctrl:switch_cycles_h2l           30 # time for high to
low switch
-cache_leak_ctrl:switch_power_l2h       0.0003 # low to high switch cost
-cache_leak_ctrl:switch_power_h2l       0.0001 # high to low switch cost
-cache_leak_ctrl:penalty            0 # extra latency in low leak mode

Please see the hotleak_config.cfg file for most of the common ones that a
user might be interested in.

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What are the new stats printed with HotLeakage?

In the beginning of the simulation all the leakage currents are calculated
(Currently only the register file and the caches).
The leakage currents for each component (for e.g. for a cache, the data
array, tag-array, decoders etc ) are printed.

For example:
Data Cache Power Consumption: 0.850207
Data Cache Leakage Power
 decode_power_data (W): 0.0029866
 decode_power_tag (W): 0.000746651
 senseamp_power_data (W): 0.00272779
 senseamp_power_tag (W): 0.000255731
 comparator_power_leak (W): 4.55784e-05
 mux_driver_power_leak (W): 0.000248689
 output_driver_power_leak (W): 0.00996414
 tagarray_power (W): 0.000115888
 datarray_power (W): 0.833116

In the code (leakage.c) look out for leakage_power structure
( e.g leakage_power->il1_bitline_data_ileak )  that store these
values (The leakage currents for structures).

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 How should I use the  statistics  provided?

All the calculated leakage current values are stored in the
leakage_power structure. For e.g to calculate the leakage energy over
the entire simulation one needs to add the per cycle leakage value and
print it. This is left to the user. He or she can use the leakage
currents anyway he or she wants.
The tool currently uses it for calculating the leakage savings of the
techqniues implemented for caches ( Drowsy, GatedVss and RBB).

If the user need to model a different lekage saving technqiue he or she
can determine as to which part of the cell of a cache will be turned off
etc.Then he or she can use :

double nmos_ileakage(double aspect_ratio, double Volt, double Vth0,
double Tkelvin, double tox0)

double pmos_ileakage(double aspect_ratio, double Volt, double Vth0,
double Tkelvin, double tox0)

These two functions are the main functions that calculate the leakage of
one P and N transistor. Depending on the circuit one can call these these to
to calculate the leakage of one cell of a structure. Then the user can
define a new variable in the universal leakage_power structure.

For e.g. for the leakage of a single cell when gatedVss is used for
Dl1 cache:

leakage_power->dl1_cell_gateVss_leakage =  (Vdds *
nmos_ileakage(aspect_gate_vss,Vdds, Vth0_gate_vss,Tkelvin,Tox_User)*
(NBITS_PER_LINE(cache_dl1)) * cache_dl1->assoc * cache_dl1->nsets);


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How do I model a different structure of the processor (e.g. an ALU)?

It should be very simple to add a leakage for a separate part of the
processor (caches and arch. register file have been modeled already).
For the circuit point of view please read the document

After the user has done the above and mapped the circuit parameters to
the variables ( in leakinit.c) the user now needs to write some code for it.
If the user wants more flexibility then he or she needs to add as command
line parameters (in leakinit.c) for  some of the following things:

* The supply voltage for that staructure.
* The apsect ratio for the cells used in that structure.
* The temperature.
* The threshold voltages for the different transistors used in that structure.

For e.g.  in a Dl1 cache

-dl1:temp            383.0000 # l1 data cache temperature in Kelvin
-dl1:voltage           0.9000 # l1 data cache supply voltage
-dl1:threshold_Cell_N       0.1902 # l1 data cache threshold voltage N-Type
-dl1:threshold_Cell_P       0.2130 # l1 data cache threshold voltage P-Type
-dl1:threshold_Access_N       0.1902 # l1 data cache threshold voltage N-Type Bitline
-dl1:threshold_P       0.2130 # l1 data cache threshold voltage P-Type
-RAM:aspect_ratio_access_ram_cell_N       2.7429 # aspect ratio of  RAM
access cell N-Type
-RAM:aspect_ratio_ram_cell_l2_N       4.5714 # aspect ratio of  RAM cell
-RAM:aspect_ratio_ram_cell_l3_P       2.4000 # aspect ratio of  RAM cell

New variables to store the calculateed leakage currents needs to be added
thorugh leakage.h in the leakage_power_type structure.
For e.g. in a Dl1 cache

 double dl1_comparator_leak;
 double dl1_muxdrv_leak;
 double dl1_outdrv_leak;
 double dl1_senseamp_data_leak;
 double dl1_senseamp_tag_leak;
 double dl1_leakage;

The next step is to put actual code to model leakage for that structure.
The user currently needs to write a function in leakage.c.

For e.g. for a Dl1 Cache:

double calculate_leakage_dl1cache(double Vdds, double Tkelvin,
leakage_power_type *leakage_power)
This function  should be  called in leakinit.c in the leakage_init( )
This function will call the two core functions:

double nmos_ileakage(double aspect_ratio, double Volt, double Vth0,
double Tkelvin, double tox0)

double pmos_ileakage(double aspect_ratio, double Volt, double Vth0,
double Tkelvin, double tox0)

The above two  functions will be called according to how many N and P
transistors make up one cell. Then the leakage is calculate according to
how many cells make up the complete structure.

The almost same thing needs to be done for modeling a different technology.
The user needs to do some circuit simulastions to find the parameters needed
in the initialization phase in leakinit.c ( Please read
README_HotLeakage_Model.doc. ). Currently the tool supports four technologies ( 180nm, 130nm, 100nm and 70nm).


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Can I use this model in a different simulator ( not SimpleScalar based )?

Yes. One can do this. But currently the model is integrated in Wattch.
It will require some work to separate this. The core of the tool is leakage.c.

This with the initialization phase module leakinit.c needs to be primarily separated.

Some of the parameters used are taken from the original Wattch. They
also need to taken from powerinit.c and put in the HotLeakage module. For
calculating the leakage in caches CACTI is used. So CACTI needs to be a part
of HotLeakage. Currently the structure of the cache( size, associativity etc)
is taken from the SimpleScalar infrastructure. Also the command line
parameters are taken from the SimpleScalar interface. This needs to be changed

and a common  generic interface for HotLeakage needs to be developed. 

The final release will have the model in a completely independent module which can be plugged in any simulator.

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