CS 1010: Introduction to Information Technology

Fall 2019 - CS 1010 Syllabus

Instructor: Craig Dill email: cd9au@virginia.edu.

Class Meeting Time: Monday and Wednesday 3:30 to 4:45, Thornton Hall 316.

Office Hours: TBA. TA office hours TBA.

Prerequisites: No formal prerequisites. Exposure to basic Math classes will help. A computer is needed for the assignments and a laptop may be helpful during lectures. You will install some necessary applications on your computer during the semester.

Course Overview: The focus of CS 1010 is how computers create, preserve, manipulate and communicate information. This course introduces concepts, processes and tools used in the information technology world. These concepts, processes and tools are organized into five units. Unit1 The Mysterious Black Box, How It Works; Unit2 Web Technologies, Creating Web Pages With Style; Unit3 Think Like A Computer, Algorithms Pseudocode And Logic; Unit4 Programming The Computer; Unit5 Putting Spreadsheets To Work. A continuing theme throughout the course is recognizing computational problems and developing basic skill sets to create computational solutions students might use to solve future problems in the student’s discipline of study. Evaluation of student performance in the class is determined using weekly assignments and two tests. The final exam date is May 04, 2019. You may collaborate on homework assignments to develop understanding and design, however each student is responsible for developing a personal assignment solution. READ HONOR POLICY below!

Learning Outcomes: Basic understanding of relationships and communications between core computer system and network components. Understanding of the quantification of various media types for computer storage and processing. Working knowledge of HTML5 and CSS to create attractive web pages. Defining, creating and testing algorithms using formalized pseudocode. Implementing algorithms in a modern computer language. Create and process spreadsheet data, lists, tables, charts and predictions.

Textbook: There is not a required textbook. All course information is provided as lecture slides and examples, assignments are presented as Word documents, all available in Collab for download. Students are strongly encouraged to attend class.

Assignments and Exams:There is a Final Exam and a Midterm Exam, each contributing 20% to the final grade, for a total of 40% of the final grade. Students must bring their UVA ID to each exam. Students arriving late to an exam will not be admitted to the exam room. Any student that misses an exam without a prearranged makeup exam time will receive a score of 0 for the exam.

The final exam is December 16, 2 to 5:00 PM, regular lecture room. This date and time is scheduled by the Registrar and does not conflict with any other final exam scheduled by the Registrar. If you have another exam scheduled overlapping this scheduled time for CS 1010, the other exam instructor must reschedule to resolve the conflict. The School of Engineering does not recognize "three in a row".

60% of the final grade will come from the ten highest scores of twelve homework assignments. Homework assignments are weekly, due each Sunday BEFORE 11:55:00 PM. No late assignments are accepted for any reason and result in a grade of zero. Students are strongly encouraged to complete and submit every assignment, however the two lowest assignment grades are omitted from the final grade calculation to compensate for uncontrollable circumstances that might occur during the semester. No more than two assignment scores are dropped.

Assignment Submission and Regrade Requests:All assignments will be submitted through Collab. Be sure to verify that your submission is received by Collab. You will receive and email when you have submitted an assignment. Also the assignment list status will say: Submitted (date and time). The assignment must complete submission by the due time. Assignments that complete submission after the due time (Sunday 11:55:00 PM) are not accepted by Collab and receive zero points. Students have three days from the time of assignment grade posting (usually Wednesday morning) to request an assignment regrade. An assignment regrade request must be emailed to the professor specifically stating how the assignment was incorrectly graded. The regraded assignment score might be higher than, lower than, or the same as, the original assignment score.

Grades:The final average/letter grade scale is: A+ 100 – 98, A 97 – 93, A- 92 – 90, B+ 89 – 87, B 86 – 83, B- 82 – 80, C+ 79 – 77, C 76 – 73, C- 72 – 70, D+ 69 – 67, D 66 – 63, D- 62 – 60, F below 60. All recorded grades will be posted on Collab. Please check the Gradebook for current grades.

Required Software:Students need Microsoft Office Excel, (Office Suit) available using the Hive - http://its.virginia.edu/hive/), a plain text editor such as Notepad or (properly configured) Text Edit, Firefox web browser, Oracle’s Java SDK and jGRASP integrated Java programming development environment. Installation procedures for these software packages are provided weeks before the software will be used.

Getting Help:CS 1010 has excellent teaching assistants with scheduled office hours in Rice Hall. CS 1010 staff want all 1010 students to have a successful, pleasant, learning experience. Avoid assignment due date anxiety by starting and completing assignments early. Take advantage of office hours to ask questions, discuss ideas, and receive assignment help. Ask questions during lecture. Assignments and tests are not collaborations. Lectures and office hours are collaborations.

Honor Policy:As a university student in CS 1010 you agree to the following principles. Collaboration that enriches understanding of course concepts and lecture material is authorized. Assignments and tests, particularly sharing specifics of assignment answers or solutions, is not authorized collaboration and may be a violation of honor. Assignments are individual efforts, not group projects. Each student is responsible for authoring their own assignment/test solutions and responses. Authoring means original or thoughtful creation. Copying or tweaking online sources and submitting this work for credit is a violation of honor. The document you submit for credit is the product of your own understanding, knowledge and skills. You must understand and be able to explain why you answered a question or created a solution the way you did. Given the same question or problem, you should be able to reconstruct your original answer or solution from memory, without outside assistance. Unless otherwise noted, individual assignments are pledged that you neither gave nor received unauthorized help. Unauthorized help is help from someone other than the CS 1010 teaching assistants or professor, or help that does not adhere to collaboration as described in this paragraph and the "Getting help" paragraph. When there is doubt regarding the honor of an action, you should ask before you act. An academic irregularity on any assignment may result in assignment grade reduction or zero and/or final course grade penalty, including course failure and/or Honor Committee involvement

SDAC and Other Special Circumstances:If you have been identified as an SDAC student, please let the Center know you are taking this class. If you suspect you should be an SDAC student, please schedule an appointment with SDAC for an evaluation. All academic accommodations must be arranged through the SDAC. If you have other special circumstances (athletics, other university-related activities, etc.) please contact the instructor as soon as you know how these affect you in class.

Discrimination and Power-based Violence:The University of Virginia is dedicated to providing a safe and equitable learning environment for all students. To that end, it is vital that you know two critically important values:
1. Power-based personal violence will not be tolerated.
2. Everyone has a responsibility to do their part to maintain a safe community on Grounds.
If you or someone you know has been affected by power-based personal violence, more information can be found on the UVA Sexual Violence website that describes reporting options and resources available www.virginia.edu/sexualviolence.Faculty members are responsible employees, required by University policy and federal law to report information to the University's Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator's job is to ensure that the reporting student receives the resources and support that they need, while also reviewing the information presented to determine whether further action is necessary to ensure survivor safety and the safety of the University community. If you wish to report something that you have seen, you can do so at http://justreportit.virginia.edu/. The worst possible situation would be for you or your friend to remain silent when there are so many here willing and able to help.

Religious Accommodations:It is the University's long-standing policy and practice to reasonably accommodate students so that they do not experience an adverse academic consequence when sincerely held religious beliefs or observances conflict with academic requirements. Students who wish to request academic accommodation for a religious observance should email their request to the professor as far in advance as possible. Students who have questions or concerns about academic accommodations for religious observance or religious beliefs may contact the University’s Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (EOCR) at UVAEOCR@virginia.edu or 434-924-3200.