CS 1010: Introduction to Information Technology

Fall 2020 - CS 1010 Policies

Feedback: CS 1010 is intended to be a positive learning experience. Emails and/or meetings to discuss what is working well or what needs improvement are welcomed.

Professionalism: Students and staff are all expected to treat each other with respect.

Announcements: Please check email or visit Collab to view class announcements.

Honor Policy: As a University of Virginia student enrolled in CS 1010 you agree you understand and agree to act in accordance with these principles:
Collaboration that enriches understanding of course concepts and lecture material is authorized. Sharing specifics or totality of tests, or assignment answers or solutions, is not authorized collaboration and is a violation of honor. Assignments are individual efforts, not group projects. Each student is responsible for authoring their own assignment/test solutions and responses. Authoring means original or thoughtful creation. Copying, tweaking, or using work of others including online sources specifically targeted to solving a CS 1010 assignment, then submitting this work for credit is a violation of honor. The assignment/test you submit for credit is the product of your own understanding, knowledge and skills. You must understand and be able to explain why you answered a question or created a solution the way you did. Given the same question or problem, you should be able to reconstruct your original answer or solution from memory, without outside assistance. Unless otherwise noted, individual assignments are pledged that you neither gave nor received unauthorized help. Unauthorized help is help from someone other than the CS 1010 teaching assistants or professor, or help that does not adhere to collaboration as described in this paragraph and the "Getting help" paragraph. When there is doubt regarding the honor of an action, you should ask before you act. An academic irregularity on any assignment will result in assignment grade reduction or zero and/or final course grade penalty, including course failure and/or Honor Committee involvement.

Assignment Submission and Regrade Requests: All assignments will be submitted through Collab. Be sure to verify that your submission is received by Collab. You will receive and email when you have submitted an assignment. Also the assignment list status will say: Submitted (date and time). The assignment must complete submission by the due time. Assignments that complete submission after the due time (Sunday 11:55:00 PM) are not accepted by Collab and receive zero points. Students have three days from the time of assignment grade posting (usually Wednesday morning) to request an assignment regrade. An assignment regrade request must be emailed to the professor specifically stating how the assignment was incorrectly graded. The regraded assignment score might be higher than, lower than, or the same as, the original assignment score.

Class Attendance: Please make your best effort to attend lecture. Please do not routinely arrive to lecture late or leave early, it is distracting.

Final Grade Rounding: Final grades are not automatically rounded up.