This page does not represent the most current semester of this course; it is present merely as an archive.

You have enough to worry about memorizing without keeping dozens of symbols in your head at once. We intend to provide this table for your reference during every in-class evaluation.

Concept Java/C Python This class Bitwise Other
true true True \top or 1 -1 T, tautology
false false False \bot or 0 0 F, contradiction
not P !p not p \lnot P or \overline{P} ~p
P and Q p && q p and q P \land Q p & q P Q, P \cdot Q
P or Q p || q p or q P \lor Q p | q P + Q
P xor Q p != q p != q P \oplus Q p ^ q P ⊻ Q
P implies Q P \rightarrow Q P \supset Q, P \Rightarrow Q
P iff Q p == q p == q P \leftrightarrow Q P \Leftrightarrow Q, P xnor Q, P \equiv Q
Concept Symbol Meaning
equivalent \equiv A \equiv B means A \leftrightarrow B is a tautology
entails \vDash A \vDash B means A \rightarrow B is a tautology
provable \vdash A \vdash B means both A \vDash B and I know B is true because A is true
\vdash B (i.e., without A) means I know B is true
therefore \therefore \therefore A means both \vdash A and A is the thing we wanted to show