CS 4810: Schedule

This page does not represent the most current semester of this course; it is present merely as an archive.

This schedule will be updated as the semester progresses; it is likely only accurate about a week in advance.

All lecture notes (for all days) can be accessed in this combined listing

Lecture notes

Raster Graphics Raytracing, Scan-converting, and sub-dividing
Lecture notes (the audio and video might not sync right; if so, sorry)


Color RGB, CMYK, Gamma, and Color Solids
Lecture notes

Image Files Image Compression HDR Exposure
Lecture notes

HW0: a program that can read input and save a png

add deadline 2D Scan Conversion DDA and Bresenham, Polygons; optionally Implementers Guide 1.3–1.5
Lecture notes

2D Subdivision Bézier, B-Spline (or NURBS), and other curves; optionally Implementers Guide 1.6.3
Lecture notes


2D Other More on curves, alpha; optionally Implementers Guide 1.7
Lecture notes

Math Primer review/primer on geometry, vectors, and matrices; optionally Implementers Guide 1.3
Lecture notes


2D leftovers and 3D Math blobbies, fragment shaders; homogeneous coordinates, transformation matrices, optionally one person’s take on how they fit together
Lecture notes

3D Pipeline visible surface determination and it’s linked sub-pages, especially the one on the Z-Buffer Algorithm; Z-fighting
Lecture notes

HW1: 2D rasterizer

Common Fragment Shaders Lighting, textures, bumps, etc.
Lecture notes

Ray Casting overview, optimizations; optionally Implementers Guide 2–2.4. Also clipping.
Lecture notes


Reading Day

Approximating Light BRDF, BRDF take 2, global illumination, ambient occlusion; optionally Implementers Guide 2.5–2.7
Lecture notes

HW2: 3D rasterizer

drop deadline HW2 due at end of day Raytracing Again
Lecture notes

WebGL: GLSL GLSL data types, minimal example
Lecture notes


withdraw deadline WebGL webgl example, twgl example and library
Lecture notes

Animation easing, squash and stretch, tweening, skeletal animation
Lecture notes – there is an audio sync error after the break. Sorry.


Advanced Tweening example physics-based animation paper and video
Lecture notes

On Humans and Animals the uncanny valley, hair, subsurface scattering
Lecture notes

HW3: raytracer

Image Manipulation flood fill convolution, Gaussian blur
Lecture notes

Image Manipulation seam carving, patch match, segmentation
Lecture notes


Fractals L-systems, trees
Lecture notes

Plants Figure 4 in this paper
Lecture notes

HW4: WebGL

Terrain Erosion; maybe also marching cubes and Delaunay triangulations; maybe Delaunay deformable models for concave terrain
Lecture notes

Fluids Navier-stokes; waves
Papers on gas and shallow water
Lecture notes


Fluids Lagrangain methods and elasto-viscosity.
Lecture notes

Thanksgiving Recess


Crowds boids (example implementation) and extensions thereto.
Lecture notes

Forests and Seeds seeds; poisson disc and quite a few approximations
Lecture notes


Review You can enter questions here
Lecture notes


HW5: Image or Custom

Final Quiz (2:00 pm)



Tuesday Thursday Due
Copyright © 2016 by Luther Tychonievich. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2016-12-06 14:20:32