2016-2017 SLP Projects {#intro}

This page lists the projects that were developed during the fall 2016 and spring 2017 semesters. There were 91 students enrolled and 15 projects.

City Schoolyard Garden {#csg}

City Schoolyard Garden: A management system to coordinate the classes taught throughout the Charlottesville City School system

Central Virginia Partnership for Economic Development {#cvped}

Central Virginia Partnership for Economic Development: A system to manage the cases and associated communications therein

Georgia's Healing House {#georgias}

Georgia's Healing House: A data management system that will keep track of data about the staff, volunteers, and residents

Madison House: Holiday Sharing {#holiday}

Madison House: Holiday Sharing: A system to manage the sponsors and clients of the Holiday Sharing program at Madison House

Innisfree Village {#innisfree2}

Innisfree Village: A scheduling system from the various people who live and work at Innisfree

Loaves & Fishes {#loaves2}

Loaves & Fishes: A system to perform inventory management, as well as other features

McIntire Botanical Garden {#mbg}

McIntire Botanical Garden: A system to manage the volunteer coordination for the nonprofit.

Cville Meals on Wheels {#meals}

Cville Meals on Wheels: A system that allows the easy generation and maintenance of route sheets as well as volunteer scheduling management

Paramount Theater {#paramount}

Paramount Theater: A system to manage the logistics of their events (shows)

Pauselab {#pauselab}

Pauselab: A system to manage community engagement in proposing and selecting public art projects

Programming Contest System {#pico}

Programming Contest System: A system to manage the submission and execution of submitted programming contest solutions, as well as the judging thereof

Partner for Mental Health {#pmh}

Partner for Mental Health: A system to manage the collection and reporting of the people who seek their help

Rivanna Conservation Alliance {#rca}

Rivanna Conservation Alliance: A data collection system that allows users to enter data of nature observations in the field via an offline web page, and have that data collected via a web portal that staff members can then use to display and visualize the data

Therapeutic Adventures {#therapy}

Therapeutic Adventures: A data management system to handle the users that the nonprofit interacts with, along with a web portal that can also handle event registration

UVa Information Security {#uvainfosec}

UVa Information Security: A system to manage the roll-out of invitation-only two-factor authentication for Netbadge