This page does not represent the most current semester of this course; it is present merely as an archive.

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1 Feb
Courses begin
welcome MCS Introduction and ∀x 1.0 and on proofs
Tychonievich 01.pdf and qa.txt
3 Feb
real maths six habits and MCS 1.9
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
10 Feb
12 Feb
propositions and operators MCS 1.1 and ∀x 4.3 and MCS 3–3.2.0 and ∀x 5 and about → and operators
Orrico Feb12.pdf
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
15 Feb
operators MCS 3–3.2.0 and ∀x 5 and about → and operators
Orrico Feb15.pdf
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
16 Feb
Add deadline
17 Feb
Wednesday break
19 Feb
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
22 Feb
equivalence proofs and direct proof MCS 3.4.2 and ∀x 14–15 and equivalences and example proof and proof techniques and direct proof
Orrico Feb22.pdf
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
24 Feb
equivalence proofs and direct proof MCS 3.4.2 and ∀x 14–15 and equivalences and example proof and proof techniques and direct proof
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
26 Feb
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
1 Mar
predicates MCS 1.2 and ∀x 21.0–21.3 and skim MCS 4.1.0
Orrico 3.pdf
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
5 Mar
9 Mar
Tuesday break
10 Mar
english writeup and bus example
Orrico Mar10.pdf
Tychonievich video
12 Mar
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
15 Mar
functions MCS 4.3
Orrico Mar15.pdf
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
17 Mar
relations MCS 4.4
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
19 Mar
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
22 Mar
contradiction MCS 1.8 and MCS 2 and irrationals and open sets
Orrico Mar22.pdf
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
23 Mar
Drop deadline
24 Mar
contradiction and integers MCS 1.8 and MCS 2 and irrationals and open sets and MCS 8.0–8.7
Orrico Mar23.pdf
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf and proofs.txt
26 Mar
29 Mar
Monday break
30 Mar
31 Mar
contradiction and integers MCS 1.8 and MCS 2 and irrationals and open sets and MCS 8.0–8.7
Orrico March31.pdf
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
2 Apr
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
5 Apr
contradiction and well-ordering MCS 1.8 and MCS 2 and irrationals and open sets
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
6 Apr
Withdraw deadline
7 Apr
contradiction and well-ordering MCS 1.8 and MCS 2 and irrationals and open sets
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
9 Apr
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
12 Apr
proof by cases and induction MCS 1.7 and ∀x 15.6 and DeMorgan proved and techniques and MCS 5.1–5.3 and addendum
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
14 Apr
induction MCS 5.1–5.3 and addendum
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
15 Apr
Thursday break
16 Apr
19 Apr
counting and induction MCS 5.1–5.3 and addendum
Orrico proof.txt
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
21 Apr
counting and induction MCS 5.1–5.3 and addendum
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
23 Apr
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
26 Apr
logarithms wikipedia and writeup
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
28 Apr
logarithms wikipedia and writeup
Orrico DMT 4_28.pdf
Tychonievich video.webm and audio.mp3 and slides.pdf
30 Apr
Tychonievich slides.pdf
3 May
state machines MCS 5.4
Tychonievich slides.pdf
5 May
6 May
Courses end
7 May

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The official information about finals can be found at Note that CS 2102 has a special combined exam time, listed at the bottom of that page, regardless of your particular section’s meeting time.