Brad Campbell - UVa
My Research
Ubiquitous computing, the Internet of Things, wearable and implantable technology, and smart homes/building/factories promise to bring billions of new embedded devices online in the next decade. My research focuses on how to design and build systems to ensure these devices are effective, unobtrusive, and scalable. I ground my projects in real applications, spanning from more efficient buildings to smarter cities to healthier individuals.
My work involves building real prototypes and demonstrating them at reasonable scale. This systems approach includes building the hardware itself, designing and deploying gateways that providing networking and services for the embedded devices, and supporting the deployments with a cloud infrastructure for processing and visualization.
I’m looking for motivated EE/CpE/CS Ph.D. students to join my lab. If you are interested in building sensors, networking devices, deploying systems, or designing better IoT systems, get in touch.
- July, 2024: Nabeel is now an Assistant Teaching Professor at UCSB!
- March, 2024: Fateme won 2024 Raven Society Scholarship!
- September, 2023: Nabeel was awarded a UVA Engineering Endowed Graduate Fellowship!
- September, 2023: NSF is supporting our effort to grow the TockOS ecosystem!
- May 3, 2023: Nabeel won the CS Department Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award!
- May 3, 2023: Marshall won the CS Department Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award!
- May 3, 2023: Fateme won the CS Department Outstanding Graduate Service Award!
- April 24, 2023: Nurani was selected as a 2023 CPS Rising Star!
- February 10, 2023: I was delighted to speak at the UC Merced EECS Seminar.
- November 29, 2022: Nurani won the Link Lab Seminar Award!
- November 21, 2022: Nabeel won a UVA Engineering Teaching Fellowship! We will be co-teaching a wireless IoT course Sp’23.
- November, 2022: Rabbi and Tushar were awarded UVA Engineering Endowed Graduate Fellowships!
- August, 2022: We organized a “Build an Internet” workshop at C4K in Charlottesville.
- February, 2022: NSF awarded my CAREER proposal!
- November, 2021: My student Nabeel was awarded Best Presentation at the SenSys/BuildSys 2021 PhD Forum!
- November, 2019: Our paper on unobtrusive occupancy detection was awarded best paper at DFHS’19!
- August, 2018: Our Living Link Lab project was funded!
- August, 2017: Joined the CS department at UVa!
- August 8, 2017: Attended a workshop about teaching for new CS faculty.
- April 13, 2017: Successfully defended my dissertation!
- F24: CPS1 - Technology and Ethics, CS6501 - Smart and Healthy Buildings
- S24: CS/ECE4501 - Wireless for the Internet of Things
- F23: CPS1 - Technology and Ethics, CS6501 - Smart and Healthy Buildings
- S23: CS/ECE4501 - Wireless for the Internet of Things
- F22: CPS1 - Comm, Test-Beds & Policy, CS6501 - Smart and Healthy Buildings
- S22: CS4457/ECE4457 - Computer Networking
- F21: CPS1 - Comm, Test-Beds & Policy, CS6501 - Smart and Healthy Buildings
- F20: CS4457/ECE4457 - Computer Networking, CPS1 - Comm, Test-Beds & Policy
- S20: CS6456 - Advanced Operating Systems
- F19: CS6456 - Advanced Operating Systems, CPS1 - Comm, Test-Beds & Policy
- S19: CS4457/ECE4457 - Computer Networking
- F18: CS6501 - Embedded Operating Systems
- S18: CS4457/ECE4457 - Computer Networking
- F17: CS6501/ECE6501 - IoT Sensors and Systems
- 2024 TPCs: SenSys, BuildSys
- 2023 TPCs: MobiCom, SIGCOMM, SenSys, BuildSys
- 2022 TPCs: MobiCom, SenSys
- 2021 TPCs: MobiCom, SenSys, BuildSys
- 2020 TPCs: IPSN, MobiCom, BuildSys
- 2019 TPCs: MobiCom, IoTDI, BuildSys, ENSsys
- 2018 TPCs: IPSN, MobiSys, BuildSys, ENSsys
- 2017 TPCs: IPSN, SenSys, BuildSys, ENSsys, SafeThings
- 2016 TPCs: ENSsys
- 2015 TPCs: ENSsys
Students / Post-Docs
- Dong Chen (Co-advised with Arsalan Heydarian)
- Marshall Clyburn (PhD, CS)
- Tushar Routh (PhD, CpE)
- Fateme Nikseresht (PhD, CS)
- Viswajith Govinda Rajan (PhD, CpE)
- Victor Sobral (PhD’24, CpE) (Co-advised with Jon Goodall) → Postdoc, UVA
- Jiechao Gao (PhD’24, CS)
- Nabeel Nasir (PhD’24, CS) → Assistant Teaching Professor, UCSB
- Nurani Saoda (PhD’23, CpE) → Postdoc, UIUC
- Wenpeng Wang (PhD’23, CpE) → Apple
Rabbi Masum Billah (PhD’23, CS) → Amazon
- Ryan P. Lenfant (MS’23) → NASK Inc.
- G Michael Fitzgerald (MS’21) → NBBI
- Kai Lin (MS’21) → Ernst & Young
- Li-Pang Huang (ME’20) → UVA Dev Hub
- Samyukta Venkat (MS’20) → EY
Alexander Sarris (MS’20) → Northrop Grumman
- Yancheng (Ethan) Zhou (BA) → Silicon Labs
- Akan Ndem
- Arjun Deopujari (BS) → Stanford (MS)
- Zach Hicks (BS)
Running | EV |
- Experiences Teaching a Wireless for the Internet of Things Course Cooperatively at Multiple Universities
Nabeel Nasir, Viswajith Govinda Rajan, Pat Pannuto, Branden Ghena, and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2024)
paper - FTM-Sense: Robust Sensor-free Occupancy Sensing Leveraging WiFi Fine Time Measurement
Fateme Nikseresht and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys ’23)
paper - A Cloud-Based Data Storage and Visualization Tool for Smart City IoT: Flood Warning as an Example Application
Victor Ariel Leal Sobral, Jacob Nelson, Loza Asmare, Abdullah Mahmood, Glen Mitchell, Kwadwo Tenkorang, Conor Todd, Bradford Campbell, and Jonathan L. Goodall
Smart Cities 6, 3 (2023), 1416–1434.
paper Impact factor: 6.4 - PFDRL: Personalized Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Residential Energy Management
Jiechao Gao, Wenpeng Wang, Fateme Nikseresht, Viswajith Govinda Rajan, and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 52nd International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP ’23)
paper - Sensing Indoor Lighting Environments and Analyzing Dimension Reduction for Identification
Tushar Routh, Nurani Saoda, Md Fazlay Rabbi Masum Billah, Nabeel Nasir, and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Advances in Environmental Sensing Systems for Smart Cities (EnvSys ’23)
paper - Enabling Ubiquitous Occupancy Detection in Smart Buildings: A WiFi FTM-based Approach
Fateme Nikseresht, Wenpeng Wang, Viswajith Govinda Rajan, Jiechao Gao, and Bradford Campbell
In 2023 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS)
paper - SRDA: Mobile Sensing based Fluid Overload Detection for End Stage Kidney Disease Patients using Sensor Relation Dual Autoencoder
Mingyu Tang, Jiechao Gao, Guimin Dong, Carl Yang, Bradford Campbell, Brendan Bowman, Jamie Marie Zoellner, Emaad Abdel-Rahman, and Mehdi Boukhechba
In Proceedings of the Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research)
paper - NexusEdge: Leveraging IoT Gateways for a Decentralized Edge Computing Platform
Nabeel Nasir, Victor Ariel Leal Sobral, Li-Pang Huang, and Bradford Campbell
In 2022 IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) (SEC ’22)
paper - SolarWalk: Smart Home Occupant Identification using Unobtrusive Indoor Photovoltaic Harvesters
Nurani Saoda, Md Fazlay Rabbi Masum Billah, Victor Ariel Leal Sobral, Tushar Routh, Wenpeng Wang, and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys ’22)
paper - Graph Neural Networks in IoT: A Survey
Guimin Dong, Mingyue Tang, Zhiyuan Wang, Jiechao Gao, Sikun Guo, Lihua Cai, Robert Gutierrez, Bradford Campbell, Laura E. Barnes, and Mehdi Boukhechba
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (October 2022).
paper - RetroIoT: Retrofitting Internet of Things Deployments by Hiding Data in Battery Readings
Victor Ariel Leal Sobral, Nurani Saoda, Ruchir Shah, Wenpeng Wang, and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing And Networking (MobiCom ’22)
paper - Low Cost Light Source Identification in Real World Settings
Tushar Routh, Nurani Saoda, Md Fazlay Rabbi Masum Billah, and Brad Campbell
In 2022 19th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON)
paper - Low Power but High Energy: The Looming Costs of Billions of Smart Devices
Wenpeng Wang, Victor Ariel Leal Sobral, Md Fazlay Rabbi Masum Billah, Nurani Saoda, Nabeel Nasir, and Bradford Campbell
In 1st Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems Design and Implementation (HotCarbon) (HotCarbon ’22)
paper - An Energy Supervisor Architecture for Energy-Harvesting Applications
Nurani Saoda, Wenpeng Wang, Md Fazlay Rabbi Masum Billah, and Bradford Campbell
In 2022 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) (IPSN ’22)
paper - UbiTrack: Enabling Scalable & Low-Cost Device Localization with Onboard Wifi
Wenpeng Wang, Zetian Liu, Jiechao Gao, Nurani Saoda, and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys ’21)
paper - The Smart Building Privacy Challenge
Tong Wu, Murtadha Aldeer, Tahiya Chowdhury, Amber Haynes, Fateme Nikseresht, Mahsa Pahlavikhah Varnosfaderani, Jiechao Gao, Arsalan Heydarian, Brad Campbell, and Jorge Ortiz
In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys ’21)
paper - Enabling Elasticity on the Edge Using Heterogeneous Gateways
Nabeel Nasir and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys ’21)
paper - Designing a General Purpose Development Platform for Energy-Harvesting Applications
Nurani Saoda, Md Fazlay Rabbi Masum Billah, and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys ’21)
paper - Thermal Energy Harvesting Profiles in Residential Settings
Victor Ariel Leal Sobral, John Lach, Jonathan L. Goodall, and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Data: Acquisition To Analysis (DATA) Workshop (DATA ’21)
paper - Decentralized Federated Learning Framework for the Neighborhood: A Case Study on Residential Building Load Forecasting
Jiechao Gao, Wenpeng Wang, Zetian Liu, Md Fazlay Rabbi Masum Billah, and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Challenges in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Internet of Things (AIChallengeIoT ’21)
paper - BLE Can See: A Reinforcement Learning Approach for RF-Based Indoor Occupancy Detection
Md Fazlay Rabbi Masum Billah, Nurani Saoda, Jiechao Gao, and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (Co-Located with CPS-IoT Week 2021) (IPSN ’21)
paper - Is My Sensor Sleeping, Hibernating, or Broken? A Data-Driven Monitoring System for Indoor Energy Harvesting Sensors
Alan Wang, Jianyu Su, Arsalan Heydarian, Bradford Campbell, and Peter Beling
In Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 210–219.
paper - Energy Harvesting Systems Need an Operating System Too
Samyukta Venkat, Marshall Clyburn, and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 15–21.
paper - Deep Learning Based Prediction Towards Designing A Smart Building Assistant System
In Proceedings of the IEEE 17th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS)
paper - A Graduate Curriculum in Cyber Physical Systems
J. A. Stankovic, H. Alemzadeh, B. Campbell, J. Lach, F. Lu, C. Fleming, J. Goodall, T. Odumosu, D. Quinn, Y. Tian, and K. Tobler
IEEE Design Test (2020), 1–1.
paper - The Standby Energy of Smart Devices: Problems, Progress, & Potential
W. Wang, J. Su, Z. Hicks, and B. Campbell
In 2020 IEEE/ACM Fifth International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI)
paper - Is Rust Used Safely by Software Developers?
Ana Nora Evans, Bradford Campbell, and Mary Lou Soffa
In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE ’20)
paper - No Batteries Needed: Providing Physical Context with Energy-Harvesting Beacons
Nurani Saoda and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys’19)
paper - Unobtrusive Occupancy Detection with FastGRNN on Resource-Constrained BLE Devices
Md Fazlay Rabbi Masum Billah and Bradford Campbell
In Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Device-Free Human Sensing (DFHS’19)
paper - A Modular and Adaptive Architecture for Building Applications with Connected Devices
Patrick Pannuto, Wenpeng Wang, Prabal Dutta, and Bradford Campbell
In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet (ICII)
paper - From Energy Audits to Monitoring Megawatt Loads: A Flexible and Deployable Power Metering System
Bradford Campbell, Ye-sheng Kuo, and Prabal Dutta
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI ’18)
paper | slides - The Signpost Platform for City-Scale Sensing
Joshua Adkins, Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, Neal Jackson, Pat Pannuto, Samuel Rohrer, and Prabal Dutta
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN ’18)
paper - Isolation Required for Multi-tenant Energy Harvesting Platforms
Joshua Adkins, Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, Neal Jackson, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys ’17)
paper - Multiprogramming a 64kB Computer Safely and Efficiently
Amit Levy, Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, Daniel B. Giffin, Pat Pannuto, Prabal Dutta, and Philip Levis
In Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP ’17)
paper - The Case for Writing a Kernel in Rust
Amit Levy, Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, Pat Pannuto, Prabal Dutta, and Philip Levis
In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys ’17)
paper - SurePoint: Exploiting Ultra Wideband Flooding and Diversity to Provide Robust, Scalable, High-Fidelity Indoor Localization
Benjamin Kempke, Pat Pannuto, Bradford Campbell, and Prabal Dutta
In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys ’16)
paper - Perpetual Sensing for the Built Environment
Bradford Campbell, Meghan Clark, Samuel DeBruin, Branden Ghena, Neal Jackson, Ye-Sheng Kuo, and Prabal Dutta
IEEE Pervasive Computing.
paper - Cinamin: A Perpetual and Nearly Invisible BLE Beacon
Bradford Campbell, Joshua Adkins, and Prabal Dutta
In Next Generation Platforms for the Cyber-Physical Internet (NextMote ’16)
paper | slides - Ownership is Theft: Experiences Building an Embedded OS in Rust
Amit Levy, Michael P Andersen, Bradford Campbell, David Culler, Prabal Dutta, Branden Ghena, Philip Levis, and Pat Pannuto
In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS ’15)
paper - DEV 14 and HotMobile 15
Nicola Dell, Trevor Perrier, Brad Campbell, Noah Klugman, and Thomas Zachariah
IEEE Pervasive Computing 14, 2 (2015), 90–c3.
paper - The Internet of Things Has a Gateway Problem
Thomas Zachariah, Noah Klugman, Bradford Campbell, Joshua Adkins, Neal Jackson, and Prabal Dutta
In Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile ’15)
paper - Interfacing the Internet of a Trillion Things
Bradford Campbell, Pat Pannuto, and Prabal Dutta
In Workshop on the Swarm at the Edge of the Cloud (SWEC ’15)
paper | slides - Energy-harvesting Thermoelectric Sensing for Unobtrusive Water and Appliance Metering
Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, and Prabal Dutta
In Proceedings of the 2Nd International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys ’14)
paper - Gemini: A Non-invasive, Energy-Harvesting True Power Meter
B. Campbell and P. Dutta
In Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS ’14)
paper | slides - An Energy-Harvesting Sensor Architecture and Toolkit for Building Monitoring and Event Detection
Bradford Campbell and Prabal Dutta
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Embedded Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings (BuildSys ’14)
paper | slides - Deltaflow: Submetering by Synthesizing Uncalibrated Pulse Sensor Streams
Meghan Clark, Bradford Campbell, and Prabal Dutta
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy ’14)
paper - Monjolo: An Energy-harvesting Energy Meter Architecture
Samuel DeBruin, Bradford Campbell, and Prabal Dutta
In Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys ’13)
paper | slides - Towards a Perpetual Wireless Sensor Node
Ariton. E. Xhafa, Bradford Campbell, and Srinath Hosur
paper - Grafting Energy-Harvesting Leaves onto the Sensornet Tree
Lohit Yerva, Bradford Campbell, Apoorva Bansal, Thomas Schmid, and Prabal Dutta
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN ’12)